Frontend Developer
... is usually contributing to multiple project parts. We expect the ability to learn quickly, switch between project parts, work on multiple things ...
... is usually contributing to multiple project parts. We expect the ability to learn quickly, switch between project parts, work on multiple things ...
... . Conditions: practice on a training project under the guidance of experienced ... and when entering a commercial project afterwards; guaranteed employment upon successful ...
... is usually contributing to multiple project parts. We expect the ability to learn quickly, switch between project parts, work on multiple things ...
... to undertake a critical translation project. The successful candidate will possess ... from English to Arabic.The project encompasses the translation of two ...
1800 - 2000 azn... на (word, exсel, MC office, internet) Ведение расходов офиса и кассы ...
от 700 до 1000 AZN... . Английский язык (средний) Word, Excel, Internet. Условия: Официальное трудоустройство; Пятидневная рабочая ...
... понимание должностиВладение компьютером (Word, Excel, Internet) Знание языков ( английский )Грамотная речь ...
от 600 до 800 AZN... əri: Ofis proqramları: Word, Excel, Internet- Səliqəli, punktual, xoş ...
500 - 800 azn... ı , İP yönləndirilməsini və internetə qoşulmasını təmin ...
500 - 800 azn... əniş tapşırıqları və internet banking vasitəsi ilə ödə ...
600 - 800 azn